Looking back at Lincoln: On April 16, 1865
On this day in 1865 - Easter Sunday - the nation was in a state of shock and mourning. All across the country, clergymen praised and eulogized the fallen president from the pulpit. In the April 19, 1865 Harper's Weekly - the first edition in print after the presidents' assassination - a remarkable account of the assassination, and the following dirge:
LOWER the starry flag Amid a sovereign people's lamentation For him the honored ruler of the nation ;
Lower the starry flag !
Let the great bells be toll'd
Slowly and mournfully in every steeple, Let them make known the sorrow of the people; Let the great bells be toll'd !
Lower the starry flag, And let the solemn, sorrowing anthem, pealing, Sound from the carven choir to fretted ceiling; Lower the starry flag!
Let the great bells be toll'd,
And let the mournful organ music, rolling, Tune with the bells in every steeple tolling; Let the great bells be toll'd !
Lower the starry flag;
The nation's honored chief in death is sleeping, And for our loss our eyes are wet with weeping; Lower the starry flag !
Let the great bells be toll'd ;
His honest, manly heart has ceased its beating, His lips no more shall speak the. kindly greeting;
Let the great bells be toll'd!
Lower the starry flag;
No more shall sound his voice 'in scorn of error, Filling the traitor's heart with fear and terror; Lower the starry flag !
Let the great bells be toll'd ;
He reverenced the gift which God has given, Freedom to all, the priceless boon of Heaven, Let the great bells be toll'd !
Lower the starry flag;
Hit dearest hopes were wedded with' the nation, He valued more than all the land's salvation ;
Lower the starry flag!
Let the great bells be toll'd ;
His name shall live on History's brightest pages, His voice shall sound through Time's remotest ages ; Let the great bells be toll'd !
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Bicentennial, On this day
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